Hops and events

WA Branch Covid requirements

Following the relaxation of the WA Government rulings and guideline for Covid restrictions, the committee would appreciate if you would follow the guidelines below when attending Branch functions and classes:
  • We strongly encourage double vaccination for your own and others safety but will not insist on it.
  • Wearing of masks is optional.
  • We encourage reasonable separation when socialising.
  • We request regular hand sanitising or washing.
  • We require people to stay away if unwell, diagnosed with Covid or awaiting Covid test results.

Hops and other events

Branch Hops are held on the first Saturday of the month (March to December), 7.30pm at Dalkeith Hall, 97 Waratah Ave, Dalkeith.  Doors open by 7.15pm and we finish around 10.00pm.


Please bring a small plate to share for supper.


23 November - Dance around the World
This is a special afternoon function, 3.00pm at John Leckie Hall. 

Program  Crib

5 December - Kalamunda SCD Christmas Party

Visitors welcome.  Please bring a small plate to share and a tea mug.

Program  Crib

7 December - Christmas Hop

Program   Crib


25 January

Save the date! A special Burns Night event.  

Program  Crib